
We provide accurate and accessible health information to all people, regardless of language spoken or scientific background.

We create and translate accessible health information into different languages in partnership with community partners.


We believe that accurate, accessible health care information should be available to all people who need it - regardless of what language they speak or their scientific background.

Our materials are reviewed by physicians at premier medical institutions and community practices.

  • Freely Available

    We create and disseminate accurate, accessible, freely available health information for all people

  • Language Accessibility

    Our materials are available in 35+ languages and written for anyone, regardless of scientific background

  • Community Partnerships

    We work with community organizations and local governments to make health information available in numerous languages for the unique, diverse communities they serve

  • Policy and Advocacy

    We believe that free access to quality, reliable health information for all people is foundational to an equitable health system that serves our communities

  • Accurate and Reliable Information

    All of our materials are vetted by physicians at top medical institutions, including Harvard Medical School and Johns Hopkins Medical School